Aarhus, Denmark - Five Places to See for Free

If you are planning a visit to Aarhus, Denmark, and you want to have lots to see and do, then I have some wonderful suggestions about things to do that are free and will give you lots of interesting experiences for those of you who are more budget-minded. I love exploring Denmark, and Aarhus has a plethora of great places to see if you are willing to do a bit of walking.

Since Aarhus is a pretty compact city and most things are within walking distance, I wanted to give you some fun ideas for a day out which won't cost you a fortune and will also be fun. You may wish to pack a lunch and bring along some snacks and drinks if you do not have the budget for restaurants. However, you will miss out on some great food!

Starting out in downtown Aarhus near the train station, you will want to stop by the tourist office and pick up a free map of the city. To get to the tourist office, just walk out of the main entrance of the train station. As you come down the steps, turn left and walk to the first cross street. Directly across is the tourist office. Spend a few minutes orienting yourself to where you are on the map and then begin exploring!

1. You'll want to take a stroll down Stroeget, which is a long walking street that stretches from the train station to Skt. Clemens Kirke. It is lined with many great shops and boutiques, which are all free to visit and explore.

2. Skt Clemens Kirke is Denmark's largest church and stands at the of the Stroeget. If you can, go to the top of the tower and you'll get a great view of the city. (It's not always open due to construction.)

3. How about visiting a bank!? If that doesn't sound interesting, think again. The Nordea Bank at St Clemens Torv 6 sits atop an old Viking ruin. When it was being built, they turned the basement into a Viking Museum. You can visit the museum by going into the bank and heading downstairs. Free and unusual.

4. The Latin Quarter is an area of Aarhus which was built in the 14th and 15th centuries and is home to some great architecture based on Paris's left bank. This is a quaint and fun place to explore. To get the full benefit, you should explore places like Volden, Rykind, Snevringen, Badstuegade and Mejlgade.

5. Dyrehaven is the large forested park south of Aarhus. You can walk there from the city center by strolling along the harbour towards Tangkrogen and then going into Havreballe Skov and continuing south. The scenery here is awesome and sometimes you feel like you are in something from a Tolkien novel.

It is also possible to find one of the many city bikes scattered around town. These are free bicycles that you can use. Put 20 kroner into the slot by the chain, which will release the chain. You are now free to borrow the bike and ride around town. When you return the bike to one of the many stations, you re-insert the chain and it gives you back your 20 kroner.

Remember, if you do use a bike to go around town, it is illegal to ride on the Stroeget, sidewalks and most pedestrian areas. Stay on the bike paths or get off and walk your bike. Fines are 500 kroner for infractions, but as a tourist, you may just get yelled at by Danes and told off nicely by the police. It is not always easy to know where you can and cannot ride.

You can also get lots of guide books and suggestions at the tourist office, so do make a stop there before venturing out. They can give you lots of information on current events and happenings, which can add that extra bit of fun to your visit.

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